Friday, November 4, 2011

The Truth

I am grateful to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am grateful for the Plan of Salvation, to know where we came from and how we can return to our Heavenly Father again. This is something that so many people do not understand and I'm grateful for this knowledge. I am grateful for the Atonement, the sacrifice Jesus made so I can repent of my sins. I am grateful for a Prophet, President Monson, who leads our church today. I am grateful for his words and also those of the Apostles that help guide me and keep me on the right path. I am grateful for the temple, that we can perform ordinances for those of have passed before us, that we can be sealed to our family. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon, for Joseph Smith and the restored gospel. The church means everything to me and I'm grateful for the happiness it brings to my life.

I am grateful that I have had the opportunity to share the gospel with a few friends in the last few months. About two months ago Molly Marquis asked our family for another Book of Mormon and since then Molly and I have had many conversations about the church. She has come to church several times and seems to be interested. She is searching for more in her life and I think in time she will be baptized. If nothing else we are planting seeds and the knowledge she needs.

The other day religion came up with Diana (Ethan's friend's mom) because they weren't celebrating Halloween. I asked her if she would be celebrating Christmas and she told me she didn't know. She said she was just starting to look into religion and she was going to a Jehovah's Witness bible study. I told her I was religious and from there I told her a few main beliefs of our religion. Unfortunately, we had been at the park and this conversation happened as we were getting into our cars. I didn't get to say much but I knew I had to give her a Book of Mormon. Today was that day and she received it very well. She was grateful and I hope this will be the start of many religious conversations for us. She doesn't know much about religion since she did not grow up going to church, but she is seeking the true church and I'm excited to share the gospel with her and her family. We will see what happens!

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