Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Brotherly Love

I am grateful for several moments throughout the day when the boys play happily together. This morning Ethan was so loving and cute to Tanner and me. As I sat watching the boys play, Ethan came up and sat next to me. I told him I loved him and he said the same, followed by a nice conversation. These moments are so special and I am grateful for them because they are rare and usually brief, but are definitely the most rewarding moments of the day. After we talked for a minute Ethan got up and started playing with Tanner, telling him about the train he was making for Tanner to play with. I love hearing Ethan talk to Tanner as his little buddy, again because it is not an everyday thing, and that's why these moments are so special. I know the boys both have a love for each other and I love seeing it surface every once in a while. I'm grateful to be the mother of my cute little boys!

1 comment:

  1. These r the most cherished moments. You have been posting a ton! Fun. Glad to hear you got a day off.
