Saturday, November 12, 2011

Parents' love

I am grateful for our parents who are so good to us. We have been staying with the Goodmans and it's been fun going to Costco, Sugar Plum, playing Polyanna and watching a movie with them. The boys love playing with Grammy and Grandpa. They got to go in the bounce house, build a new lego trash truck with Grandpa, and make cookies with Grammy today. What a treat! They always have endless fun at their house.
I am grateful for my parents who watched the boys so Jared and I could go to Sugar Plum. I'm also grateful for Danny who is so good to Ethan. Their new thing they do together is watch the old Batman shows we used to watch as kids and play Mega Man. My mom was so nice to make Tanner a new puppy dog blanket with little tags on it for him to suck on. And Dad is always so good to let Tanner be his little shadow when we are at their house. I am grateful for the special family ties we have with each member of our family.

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