Monday, June 13, 2011

A little of this and that

We have been putting up pictures around our house. We put up several when we first moved in but never finished the project. In the last two apartments we have lived in we haven't done too much to them because 1) we haven't had or wanted to spend the money and 2) we knew they would be short-term places. In this house we are doing the same but decided our playroom needed some family pictures. It has really helped make it more of our own. I'm glad we did it since we will be living here for two more years and we might as well be surrounded with some things we love. Little projects can make a big difference.
I love Target! I don't know what it is but they could be my one-stop-shop for almost everything. You go in for one item and come out with five! Luckily Ethan keeps me on track because if not the whole store would be in our cart as he wants everything in his path too.
I'm excited for Jared to open his Father's Day gift tomorrow. Unfortunately, Jared has to work so he won't get to wear the tie Ethan made him in primary to church but we have a few other fun things up our sleeves once he gets home. I made silhouettes of the boys and framed them which we will add to our home decor. It should have been a very easy project but due to my lack of photoshop skills it became a two day ordeal. Not to mention it's very difficult to get a good side shot of Tanner that looked liked him in silhouette form. The first attempt made Tanner look like a little black baby. In the end, I think they turned out great.
Don't know if anyone else has noticed but post office workers are the most unhappy people I have ever met. A few weeks back when we were getting our passports for the cruise I couldn't believe how mean the workers were to everyone that came through their line. It wasn't just one worker but all the postal workers and I have been back and few times and have seen the same thing. I felt sad for them and can't imagine that working at a post office could be all that bad to make you so mean for no reason. Crazy to me that anyone could act that way no matter what their circumstances were.
Jeff turned 30 the other day, Happy Birthday to him! It got me thinking about my 30's and I'm excited. I love where I'm at now but I think my 30's will be great. I plan to have more children and eventually finish our family, hope to own a home, Jared should be set in a job working in a hospital doing what he loves, the boys will be in school, we will be busy going to piano, soccer, baseball, eventually (towards the end of my 30's) all our children should be in school allowing me to have a few hours a day to work on things I would like to accomplish. I have been thinking about going back to school lately and I'm so excited to take a class here and there of my liking. I don't know if I will go back for a formal degree in anything, but I would love to take cooking classes, sewing, and maybe have a workout class too. I'm excited to go to the temple once a week, go on lunch dates, find and develop hobbies, etc. The possibilities are endless and exciting.
In other exciting news, Jared passed Step 3! This was no surprise to me but a relief for him to have that behind him. He only has a few more weeks of this rotation and he will officially be starting his second year as a senior resident. Can you believe it? He can't either! He feels like he is just finally getting the hang of things and now he will be over first-year residents having much more responsibility and more weight on his shoulders. He will do great, just scary at first.

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