Ethan: Mom, if I feel like I'm in danger should I pray or take three deep breaths?
Me: You should pray.
Ethan: Well, what about three deep breaths?
Me: Both are a good idea but pray first.
In church we talked about prayer and how we can always talk to Heavenly Father in any situation. The other day Ethan told me his preschool teacher told the class if they get upset they should stop and think about it and take three deep breaths. I guess both of these things were on his mind. I thought it was a cute question.
In other news we got into Emelita Elementary for the Fall! This is such a huge blessing as we were the first person drawn in the lottery. We have some friends that attend Emelita so it's a good option for us since our local elementary school is not. It was the first of many lotteries/schools that will be doing a drawing with our name in it. School this year gets out June 19th and starts early on August 14th. LA also has Kindergarten go all day instead of half days like we did growing up. It will be a long day though I know Ethan will be fine. I will probably have a harder time having him gone for so long than he will. He is really growing up!
Enjoyed catching up on your blog! Lots of adventures and happy blessings. Love to see about your trips. You were brave to go on that water slide. Good for yoU!!