Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pirates, YMCA, Grandparents and books, books, books

 We haven't been up to a whole lot lately. We have been going to the YMCA 5-6 times a week and all really enjoy it. The boys love playing in the kids center while I work out and I love the workout classes they offer. It's a win win! The hour cycling class is quite a workout but I enjoy the class setting and you know you got a great workout once you're done. I have taken other classes such as body conditioning, cardio, cuts and core, and step and sculpt. We have taken the boys to swim a few times and they enjoy their indoor pool. We signed Ethan up for swim lessons twice a week for several weeks starting in April. He's excited and this will be his first time in swimming lessons. We are definitely taking advantage of all the YMCA has to offer us. 

We've had a visit from both sets of grandparents recently and we love those spontaneous visits.  It's always fun to have visitors and the boys can't get enough of their grandparents. I love how comfortable the boys are with our parents. I had that kind of relationship with my Grandparents and I really wanted that for our children and now they have it. The bond they have is already so strong and they are a huge blessing in all of our lives.

We have been reading, reading, reading! Ethan has a contest in his class to see who can read the most books/pages in a month. The winner will receive a $50 gift card to Target to buy new books. I knew I could easily win this so Ethan and I started to read and then I got into it even more once I knew I only had one mom giving me a run for my money. Ethan and I have been reading when Tanner is taking his nap and at times we have read for 2.5 hours straight. Ethan is really loving it! It has come to the point that I have invested so much time that now I can't let anyone else win because we deserve it. :) Pretty fun/ridiculous but we have been going to the library once or twice a day to get more books. They let you take 30 books at a time but mind you I play this game the smart way and find very long books with very few words. We have occasionally run into the mom we are competing with at the library. Give me a break lady! I can't read anymore, it's been fun but becoming painful all at the same time. We have had to hit it much harder than anyone else because Ethan is going on a Disney cruise next week so we have one week less than the rest. I really think we have it in the bag though. Also, we will not be buying books with our $50.  Ethan can pick out a toy or really whatever he wants and I might get something for myself too. :) Books at Target are way over-priced so we will go for something fun instead. After all, we earned it!

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