I love being able to stay home with my little boys. There is nothing I would rather do. I know it makes a huge impact on their life and I count my blessings every day to be in this situation. I love watching them grow up. Ethan is getting sweeter by the day. He is so loving, and has such a tender heart. He hugs each family member multiple times a day and tells us he loves us. I love seeing him put his arm around Tanner and rub his hair as we read books or they watch a show together. The other day as Ethan was kissing me he kept doing it over and over and I told him that was enough since he was starting to get a bit crazy. He said, "But you are so adorable!" We all got quite a laugh out of it. Ethan is doing so well in preschool and loves it!! Today I went to his teacher conference and his teacher only had great things to say about him. She said if she didn't know his birthday she would never guess he was one of the youngest children in the classroom. She said he is doing so well that if Kindergarten started tomorrow he would be totally ready. She said he loves to play with the blocks and play with the toys/dress up in the dramatic play area. She talked about his friend Alessandro and the neat friendship they have together. She said she has never seen two children play so well and have such a mature friendship. These are all things we have known but it was nice hearing it from his teacher. I couldn't be happier with the program and what he is learning.
Tanner is becoming more of a big boy every day. He is starting to put two words together like "bye daddy," "love you," "hi Ethan." He is still very sweet and knows it. He also loves putting a show on for people. This week he has started calling out mama or dada when he is awake in the morning or from a nap instead of crying for us. It's cute to hear it start out as, "mama!" and then go to "maaaaaaa-maaaaaaa." He loves to say hi and wave to people. His new favorite trick is to take our Tivo remote and throw it in the toilet. He sees the remote and goes straight to the toilet. He has been successful twice but attempted many other times. Luckily we were right behind him so it was just a quick dip and it still works. Crazy boy! We love having little boys!
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