Sunday, March 20, 2011

11 months

This last month and especially in the last two weeks we have seen Tanner really change his looks and personality. He is coming out of the baby phase more and more. He is walking ("cruising") along things a lot more and will stand without holding onto anything. He is becoming more confident in his abilities and has taken a step forward while standing before going down on his knees. Maybe by his first birthday we will have a walker! He likes to clap when he hears music and bounces up and down. When eating he will shake his head back and forth when he is done as if to say no more. He will wave his hand as if to say hi and bye now which is so cute! This morning when I said hi to him he waved back which was really cute because I wasn't waving at him, just saying hi. We lay on our couches a lot so Tanner has started doing it too. Last night Ethan was laying down on one side of the couch and Tanner took the other pillow and laid his head on it. He won't stay for all that long but will do it over and over. We love having Tanner in our family. He is such a cute happy boy!!


  1. 11 months..crazy! He's a doll!

  2. I love reading all of your posts. You are one busy girl! I can't believe he might be walking the next time I see him. Oh so last night starting around one I had contractions off and on and then they were consistent this morning for four hours (every 5 minutes). Then of course they just stopped! I told Karl I'm fine with her staying inside of me just no more contractions until the real deal.
