Monday, February 21, 2011

California Science Center

Since moving to LA we have enjoyed exploring the Los Angeles area as a family, and Friday was no exception. The science center is free and is located right by USC's campus along Museum Row. In the same parking lot you can go to the African American Museum, Air and Space, see the Coliseum and the Natural History Museum.
We were in the science center for a few hours and definitely could have stayed longer but had already prolonged Tanner's nap way too long. Ethan was content in every area but after a while we moved him along to be able to cover parts of the museum we knew he would want to see. When kids are having fun I hate to move them along but with so much to see and do, you just gotta do it.
The ecosystem exhibit was a hit, along with the family center where the kids could garden, play kitchen, build a house, read books, and explore other science-related activities. We definitely want to go back and explore it again because it is way too big for one day. Next stop: Air and Space and the La Brea Tar pits. 

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so fun. I want to come up and go with you guys!
