As I look back I am amazed that Tanner has only been in our lives for 9 months. It feels like he has always been with us. At 9 months old Tanner has eight teeth, 18 pounds, is a good eater - eating baby food and some table food, loves animals (especially dogs, he will laugh and smile when he sees one), is a good sleeper, loves to crawl around the house but doesn't get into everything yet. He is such a happy natured baby! He will pull up on things and can get down but is not walking along objects yet. He loves to be involved with his brother and go on walks. He cracks up when we give him high fives and loves all the attention he can get. He will give anyone a smile that looks his way. He babbles often saying, "ma ma", "da da", and "ba ba", to name a few. He makes a funny squeeking noise and if we do it back to him it becomes a fun game as we go back and forth. He is a cutie!
Cutest baby ever!