Monday, December 27, 2010

On vacation we've...

 Been playing lots of trains. It's not uncommon to see Ethan in his conductor outfit these days. When he saw Nana's train this year, he lit up as if it was Christmas day! He was in heaven!
Been playing with lots of new toys. Ethan and Tanner made out this year, just like all the others. Ethan is lucky to be child #1 because he tends to get more due to the fact we don't already have toys in his age range. 
Been relaxing a lot, wearing Woody pajamas. Been going back and forth from Nana's to Grammy's house, a little boy's dream. Playing lots of trains, watching movies, looking at Christmas lights, playing games, and eating lots of good treats.
Been checking out the loot...presents all over the place. Been fun playing with aunts and uncles in town.
Loved having Daddy home with us. It was a nice break for all. Ethan and Daddy playing frisbee with Brett one afternoon.
 Several nights we went to look at lights, always a Christmas favorite. This picture is in front of a house that has a train that goes around and they pass out candy canes.
 Ethan and Grandpa going around the block on Ethan's new bike. It's a big bike but he is doing well.
Nanny and Poppo came for several days and we enjoyed their company. We celebrated Brett's birthday one night by going to Outback.
 Cute brothers growing up. It was Tanner's first Christmas.
 Have loved waking up to Daddy being home to play with!
 Been trying to catch sleep wherever we can with all the fun we're having.
 Got together with Kenna and Robbie for a cousin reunion. It was nice to see Keena after several years. We saw Robbie a year ago at Joel's wedding reception.
Loved playing with Grammy. Went to the park and on a special lunch outing to Chick-fil-A to eat and play on their playground.
Played lots of games multiple nights with both families. One night we went to Jeff and Rachael's apartment to play games with all the siblings. It's been a great Christmas vacation.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

A very Merry Christmas!


We had a wonderful Christmas this year. It was the first year that Ethan understood what was going on for the most part. In the morning as he walked into the living room to see what Santa brought him, he saw the bike right away and was thrilled. Tanner enjoyed the paper and boxes more then the toys this year, but that was to be expected. We had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas day with our families and are grateful for the birth of our Savior. We are blessed!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

2010 Recap

In 2010 we closed many chapters of our lives and opened several new and exciting chapters as well. In the beginning of the year we found out Christy was pregnant with baby number two. We were excited to be expanding our family. In January we potty trained Ethan and had great success. He was a champ and throughout the year we have seen him grow into a big boy! On April 20th we welcomed Tanner David Goodman into our family. He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz and was 20.5 inches long. He brings such joy into our lives and we are grateful to have our two boys. Throughout the first half of the year Jared continued to work hard on finishing both medical school and business school. He applied and interviewed at many residency programs and in the end we matched to our #1 spot with Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles. In June he finally graduated with his MD/MBA. This was a huge accomplishment and we were glad to be done. We loved our time in medical school so it was bitter sweet to say goodbye to so many friends that we have grown so close to. We will always have fond memories of our years at UCI as we started our family there. After graduation there was no time to waste so we left the next day to drive up the California coast with Dad, Mom and Tanner for a four day graduation trip. We enjoyed our time going to Solvang, Santa Barbara, San Simeon, and Monterey with several stops in between. We were able to relax for a few days before we started to pack up our apartment and moved to LA. We rented a three bedroom home in Tarzana not too far away from the hospital. Jared started residency in July and has been working hard ever since. He is enjoying it but there is no down time. In September Ethan started preschool two mornings a week and loves that. We have enjoyed watching Tanner grow and we end the year with him crawling and pulling up on things. We are grateful for this year and all the blessings we have received. It has been a year that we will always remember.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Preschool Christmas Performance

 This is pretty much what Ethan looked like throughout the whole performance. His teachers said he would sing and dance just fine during practice at preschool but he clearly got a little stage fright, which we kinda knew would happen.   
He would look up from time to time and would see us, smile and look back down. The last several weeks he has been singing the Christmas songs around the house so I know he wanted to sing but was just too shy.
It was still very cute! They sang some of the favorites - Jingle Bell Rock, Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel, We wish you a Merry Christmas - all complete with props and dancing. 
 Once the performance was over the bashfulness soon disappeared when it was time for dessert. Below is a picture of Ethan and his two preschool teachers. Still don't know their names but I talk to them all the time. :)
 At the end Santa came and brought the kids a Christmas present. I have to say it's the worst Santa I have ever seen! He was nice though. It was fun watching Ethan perform and maybe next year he will sing.

Monday, December 20, 2010

8 months old

Tanner is 8 months old today! We love our baby boy. He has such a sweet easy-going personality. He loves to watch Ethan play and is already trying to get into the action by crawling and pulling up on things. He loves Ethan and looks for him when he is away at preschool. He has five teeth now and enjoys eating bread, Kix, and Cheerios, along with his baby food. I think Tanner likes animals because they always bring a smile to his face. He loves peek-a-boo and will laugh when we play it with him. He is starting to reach for people when they put their hands out to him. He is wearing 9-12 month clothes but is still a petite little thing. We love our lovable little munchkin!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

So sweet and cute

This evening while waiting for Jared I was doing the dishes and Ethan was playing play-dough while Tanner was eating in his high chair. Tanner started to babble saying, "dah dah dah dah" and Ethan very sweetly says, "It's ok Tanner, Daddy will be home soon." It was neat to see him so lovingly talk to Tanner and have a little conversation with him. I hope they become best buds someday.

Ethan was going to the bathroom and starts saying, "There's a snake! There's a snake! Call the ambulance." I said, "There is no snake and we wouldn't call the ambulance if there was a snake. They don't take care of that." Ethan keeps insisting that there is a snake in the bathroom so I go in. I ask him where it is and he points to the long winding stool in the toilet bowl.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Parks, Disneyland, Temple Christmas lights, & Travel Town

 Last Sunday we went to Balboa Park to feed the ducks and go for a walk. It was raining so we only got to stay for a minute but we enjoy having a large park close to us with lots to do. It's similar to Irvine Park in many ways but free!
 On Thursday we went down to Tustin for two days to go to Disneyland before the holiday season is over. We also went to a park with Grammy and Brett one afternoon. Ethan was the conductor on the play train and had a blast running around with Brett.
 Friday evening we got to Disneyland with enough time to get great front row seats for the Christmas parade. Papa came from work and brought us McDonald's. It's always fun to eat dinner while watching the parade. The park was packed so we rode the train and called it a night. The train had quite a long line!
 Ethan and Tanner playing this week - in this picture Ethan is about to dump Tanner but the load was a little too heavy! This week Tanner has been getting faster at crawling and Ethan is starting to engage in more imaginary play. It's cute to hear him talk back and forth with his trains.
 I have tried multipule times this week to get some nice pictures of the boys. I got some good ones but it's tough to dress both boys in church clothes, get them both to sit up and look in my direction with a smile - all without anyone else to entertain them.
 Last night we went to the LA temple to see the Christmas lights. It's not Temple Square by any means but it's still neat to see a temple with pretty lights and a nativity scene. We were there for almost two hours. We also went inside the vistor's center which was so nice. I haven't been there in years and it's newly remodelled and much nicer than Salt Lake's now. We watched a movie on families and it was really well done. A lot of the time the movies are so cheesy but both Jared and I thought it was a really nice video with a great message. Afterwards we watched the Christmas fireside with youth choirs singing. Ethan was great and wanted to stay all night.
This morning we went to Travel Town in Griffth Park. The boys rode the train around the park. Jared said Tanner was jumping up and down the whole time and Ethan wanted to go again. It was a hit! We are looking forward to more Christmas activities in the next two weeks. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Goodbye Naps

Sadly, as of this week we are done with naps for Ethan. He will still take naps pretty willingly and it's hard for him to get up when I go in and wake him up after two hours but bedtime is becoming too hard. He will come out of his bed over and over until 9-10pm. This week he still tries to stay up when it's bedtime but once we are done with the bedtime routine he has been staying in bed! I was tired of battling naps and bedtime and this makes for a quieter evening, plus he wakes later in the morning. I'm trying to teach him about quiet time where he plays by himself in the playroom and after that he can watch a show. He has been doing pretty well with it so far.

This afternoon as I was preparing him for quiet time I said: "Ethan, you are going to learn how to play independently, which means by yourself."
Ethan: I'm going to play "pendently" in there (pointing at the playroom)
Me: Yeah, that will be fun! You can play with your blocks, play trains, build tracks with Jenga...whatever you want.
Ethan: Oh, you can play pendently with me! That's fun!
Me: yeah, it is but so is independent play.
Ethan: Oh, I play there (pointing to his toys) and your quiet time is there (pointing at the computer)
Me: yeah, you got it!

As I type he is playing next to me with Jenga by himself! For Ethan that is huge. He loves to play with others which is understandable but everyone needs to learn to play on their own sometimes.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mr. Gingerbread Man

Last night we created a gingerbread man. Yesterday while at Trader Joe's I picked one up along with a chocolate advent calendar for Ethan to enjoy. I was hoping the gingerbread man would taste better than the other pre-boxed gingerbread houses we have done in the past but it was still just as nasty as ever. These activities really are just for decorating and letting kids eat the candy as they go along. The sad thing is the candy isn't even good. I prefer using fresh graham crackers with candy you buy at the store and making something that in the end you can enjoy. I always enjoy making them though and this was actually the first time I have tried one. They don't really appeal to me but this time I wanted to see if it was as soft as it appeared. You could lose a tooth biting into other types and this was just the same. I think I will stick to the decorating and let Ethan enjoy it!
We have been playing "conductor" a lot at our house. Ethan is Mr. Conductor and I am Mommy conductor. The fireplace is the "train" where we all line up. Mr. Conductor is kind enough to let us go to the bathroom every once in a while. We love having our Christmas decorations up. This is definitely my favorite time of year. While we were still in Tustin for Thanksgiving Jared surprised me by putting up our Christmas tree, buying ornaments for it (did a great job, I would have bought the same ones) and decked it out! It was a pleasant surprise and I was impressed with his Christmas tree skills. It was no small task and we love it. Tanner loves crawling under it to play with the lower branches and bulbs, but luckily he really can't hurt any of it and can barely reach.
Jared is still working long hard hours with few breaks but is doing well. He's had some really tough patients lately which means more work but he has been able to do some procedures as a result. In the last two weeks he has performed a Paracentesis, Thoracentesis, and put in two central lines. He of course had a supervisor right there telling him what to do but he was able to do the whole procedure by himself. A Paracentesis is where they take fluid out of the abdomen, and a Thoracentesis is taking fluid out of the lung. Pretty neat! What's even neater is he gets a week of vacation during the week before Christmas. We are excited to party.